AM - Welcome Azz, shall we get started with a beer
AW - Sure
AM - Uniform Number:
AW - Number 9
AM - Full Name:
AW - Aaron Leigh Widdison
AM - Date of Birth:
AW - 27 September 1983
AM - Nicknames:
AW - Azz, Azzer
AM - Any others:
AW - Nup
AM - What about Widdo or Weirdo:
AW - No they don't really ring a bell, sorry
AM - Position:
AW - Guard/Forward, anywhere I'm a team player
AM - Signature Move:
AW - I'll let you in with an exclusive
AM - What's that:
AW - New move called Sir Azzer. It involves 2x 360, typically what those skateboarding hacks call a 720.
AM - Really:
AW - Yep, followed by some Azzer patented hang time, with either a MJ esque fade away or dunk.
AM - I really need to see this:
AW - Yes, yes you do.

AW - Scotch, Scotch, Scotch... Scotch in my belly and long walks on the beach
AM - Azz the romantic
AM - Dislikes:
AW - One Word... Pinheads
AM - Career Highlight:
AW - I can remember it like it was 10 years ago
AM - Was it 10 years ago:
AW - Well yes, the U14 Sovereigns went through the entire season without loss, thrashing the pants of the opposition. Right up until the semi-final in which we lost to a spiritied Celtic Tigers!
AM - Thank you for your time, and all the best with the bruises attained from last weeks brutal game with the Pinheads
AW - No worries, I still think I require a skin graft on my knees.
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