The board firstly addressed the issues surrounding the injuries suffered by Matt Lee and Shaun ‘Chunka’ Heyworth in game 7 against the Rockers. It was indicated that management were happy with the progress of both players saying, “both of the ankles are healing quite well.”
Insider information available reports that Matt Lee’s ankle came out of plaster after 4 weeks and that he is greatly looking forward to slipping the jersey back on. When questioned about Matt’s return date, Sovs management simply replied, “Matt is a crucial component to the success of this basketball club and we won’t be doing anything rash to jeopardise the longevity of the franchise.”
In a barrage of questions from the gallery as to the whereabouts of Chunka, and his likeness to the extraverted Dennis Rodman. Sovs management rebutted in saying “Chunka is an unique individual who deals with injuries behind closed doors, and this might be why you have not seen him around the club.”
After the loss reported against the Saints on Wednesday night many fans are questioning whether the Sovs would make it to the playoffs in their first season after such a promising start.
Although it is still probable that the Sovs could make the post-season they are required to win the remaining 4 games to clinch a playoffs birth. In a statement made by acting coach Matt Lee at the press conference, “It is not that we have been playing terrible basketball, we have been competitive throughout. It is simply that the team chemistry has not evolved as quickly as anticipated.”
Asking if further training sessions would be implemented to ensure the Sovs reach the post-season and increase their chemistry. Matt Lee answered “Simply? Yes, the team as a whole will be required to attend further training sessions to iron out the issues in our game. Including our full court pressure and offensive movement.”
The press conference was ended with nearly all quarters of the media expecting greater things from the Sovereign Knights towards the end of the season and in seasons to come.
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