ML - Shall we get started.
AM - Why not, I'm pumped.
ML - Player Number
AM - Number 22, previously worn proudly by Clyde 'The Glide" Drexler.
ML - Full Name
AM - Alexander James Makings
ML - Date of Birth

AM - 1 January 1984
ML - Signature Move
AM - Well it would have to be an awesome pass...
ML - Would it
AM - Starting at the top of the key, where a defender so kindly comes out to greet me. I burn him with a head fake, then put his ankles on ice with a blistering cross-over towards the centre of the key. Draw a couple more would be defenders and off lay a crisp behind the back pass to the cutting Mr. Magic (Matty) himself for the reverse lay-up.
ML - A little extravigant
ML - Nicknames
AM - Well... Al, A-Man, Chief, Mayo, Schmak and/or Schmak Daddy, AJ, Pubes or Fro Boy
ML - Likes
AM - PD's (Beer), Nearly all types of Music, Basketball and any other Sport going around.
ML - Dislikes

AM - Kia Rios, Gluggly Rice and ballers who can play good D
ML - Career Highlight
AM - It was 2001. Backcourts of Mt Clear Secondary College, where Rainbow Age, the Pocket Rocket and myself held the court for an hour straight - beating all competitors with some of the cleanest and spectacular plays seen to mankind. Now that my friend, was a sight to behold.
ML - Cheers A-Man, and all the best in whipping the opposition tonight
AM - No probs Yets
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