AM - Ready for the first pitch.
SL - Ready.
AM - Uniform Number
SL - No. 41
AM - Full Name
SL - Simon Terry Lee
AM - Date of Birth
SL - 25 September 1986

SL - Cucumba Kid, Pocket Rocket/Dynamo and Sime
AM - Position
SL - Guard, not to much else to play at 4"
AM - Signature Move
SL - Getting the long pass just after half court where I dash, duck, dive, dip and dodge the entire defensive team and then put it up for a Spud Webb reversal.
AM - Very well put Sime.
AM - Likes
SL - Basketball, Footy, Pearl Jam and Beer
AM - Dislikes
SL - The Boss, cats, skaters and arrogance

SL - Playing in the semi-final whilst in U18's where we were seated 4th and had to face the top team who went through the entire season underfeated. We managed to walk away with a 3 point win and move on to the final where we later lost. The game had everything.
AM - Cheers Sime, all the best for the last game of the season and tonights festivities.
SL - No worries.
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